


淘名人 2023-04-01 热度:

Sara Evans的《Restless》 歌词


歌手:Sara Evans

专辑:Original Album Classics

Jason Derulo - Restless

To My 嘉嘉

Sittin here starin at these four walls

In my head I'm tryna figure out

What the hell happened baby

You was just layin in my bed

We just got done finishin with that (Ooohh)

And now we all pissed off like (Ooohh)

(First I say it's your fault)

It doesn't matter

(Then you say it's my fault)

It doesn't matter

Cause I can't live my life without you


You got me walkin round searchin for you in the daytime with a flashlight


And I ain't slept in four whole days, baby since you went away


Though it hurts I wanna be the first to be callin you, callin you

I can't live my life without you.

Together: Baby I'm restless.

Sittin here starin at these four walls

Pacin' back and forth tryna figure out

If I did the right thing

Hopin' any minute that my telephone ring

First I was pissed off like (Ooohh)

Now I'm really missing you (So much)

And you say;

(First I say it's your fault)

It doesn't matter

(Then you say it's my fault)

It doesn't matter

I can't live my life without yooouuUUU


You got me walkin round searchin for you in the daytime with a flashlight


And I ain't slept in four whole days, baby since you went away


Though it hurts I wanna be the first to be callin you, callin you

I can't live my life without you.

Baby I'm restless.

Ooh, Baby I can't live without you

So baby please come back to me

Ooh, baby I can't live without you

Boy, can't you see you're all I need

Cause I can't ever, I won't ever let you go

Without your love I'm sooOOOO~


You got me walkin round searchin for you in the daytime with a flashlight


And I ain't slept in four whole days, baby since you went away


Though it hurts I wanna be the first to be callin you, callin you

I can't live my life without you.

Baby I'm restless.

Ooohh ~Why Ooohh ~Why

(Without you Im restless)


分类: 娱乐休闲 明星 欧美明星


比如John Denver。最好附带一些他们的代表做!


Lee Ann Womack的《Ashes By Now》

Sara Evans的《Born To Fly》

Trisha Yearwood的《I Would’ve Loved You Anyway》

Jamie O’Neal的《There is no Arizona》

Alan Jackson的《网络记忆》(memory)

The Soggy Bottom Boys的《我是一个不幸的男子》(I am a Man Of Constant Sorrow)

Lonestar的《I am Already There》

Diamond Rio乐队的《多一天》(One More Day)

新人Jessica Andrews,签约于环球唱片旗下的梦工厂品牌,在12岁时,她被曾担任Tim McGraw专集制作人的Byron相中,并造就其成为歌坛新秀。随着系列作品不断走入排行前十佳,Andrews逐渐步入音乐表演和创作的成熟阶段。目前,年仅17岁的Jessica,心中最大的目标--是成为一名出色的音乐艺人。

Nickel Creek是被提名“最佳新人”的第2位。这支欣欣的三人兰草乐队由Chris Thile和Watkins兄妹俩组成。自去年推出了首张专集,目前他们已获得两项Grammy音乐奖的提名,唱片集《Nickel Creek》也顺利走入公告牌乡村专集榜的前20名。

接着亮相的是Jamie O’Neal。同乡村歌手Dolly Parton,Willie Nelson,The Oak Ridge Boys一样,在8岁的时候,Jamie O’neal就开始随家庭乐队走上舞台。在96年的时候,历经漂泊的O’neal终于将脚步停留在了乡村音乐之都Nashville,参与歌曲的创作工作。到目前为止,Jamie O’neal的作品不但被象Leann Rimes,Chely Wright这样的大牌选中,而她自己的首张个人专辑〈心碎〉〈Shiver〉也在Mercury Records出版发行。其间单曲‘并非亚利桑纳’,还出人意料地走上公告牌乡村榜冠军位置。

Keith Urban是一位多才多艺,个性鲜明的歌星。他的创作技艺不但能得到乡村天王Garth Brook的赏识,更难能可贵的是,他还多次得到其他领域音乐制作人点名邀请,参与其他音乐专辑的录制过程。这位来自澳洲的年轻歌手,出道前深受到摇滚乐的影响,而后又钟情将摇滚结合乡村。Keith Urban表示,自己将永远热衷于乡村音乐,但同时也指出,这一历史悠久的音乐形式今后应该拓展到更为广阔的领地。

最后一位被提名的‘年度新人’是Phil Vassar。今年37岁的男歌手Phil Vassar,在自己开口演唱之前,已经潜心营造了10年创作生涯。靠着独树一帜的音乐创作能力,他曾先后为许多著名艺人和团组,象Alan Jackson, Tim McGraw, Sons of the Desert, Jo Dee Messina, Diamond Rio and BlackHawk等编写了许多的上榜金曲。特别是98年和99年,Vassar还连续两年被公告牌杂志和美国作曲家协会誉为‘年度最佳词曲创作人’。自那以后,他开始把精力投入到个人歌唱上,继而也从原先的幕后创作走到了台前。


去年秋季,Sara Evans推出了新的专辑《注定飞翔》Born To Fly,其间数首单曲的音乐录音带制作尤为精良,而女歌手似乎在原先“继承传统”的概念上逐渐注重了对新乐风的尝试及视听产品的包装。

《It Matters to me》,“我在乎”是提名女歌手Faith Hill的成名曲。人们常用“认真的女性最美丽”这句话来形容Faith Hill。在过去的演绎生涯中,她在工作和生活中兢兢业业地处理着一切,她被誉为90年代后期乐坛流行和乡村乐跨界天后,同时她也是乡村圈内公认的好妻子,好母亲。电影《珍珠港》主题曲“There You’ll Be”就是Faith Hill配唱的。

进军歌坛七年来, Hill总共已夺得超过30座音乐奖项,除了连年被提名Grammy音乐奖、VH1时尚流行音乐奖、全美音乐奖、公告牌音乐奖之外,她更是连续两年蝉联乡村音乐协会大奖及由观众投票评选而出的TNN乡村村音乐大奖中的最佳年度女歌手。去年,Faith Hill是美国NBC电视网“通向好莱坞”Access Hollywood节目中选出的娱乐界十大风云人物,她的美丽令人屏息,但最重要的一点,她拥有一颗诚恳爱唱歌的心。Faith Hill常说:“当我站在话筒前那一刻,我告诉自己要发自内心,我就在歌曲之中。”

歌曲“情人”Valentine是RCA唱片旗下的主力女唱将Martina McBride的代表作。这位今年35岁的女歌手,最善于用歌声唤起人们藏在心底的启盼和信心。Martina自小成长在堪萨斯州的农场并练就了用歌声抒 *** 感的习性。90年,她和喜爱音乐的丈夫John一同前往中西部的音乐城追逐梦想。在过去的十年中,这对夫妻并肩撰写了一段乡村音乐中的成功章节。Martina总共推出了5张专集,并在1999年荣膺乡村协会颁发的最佳年度女歌手,她的丈夫通过努力创建了音乐公司并使其成为该领域规模最大的演出公司之一。目前他们拥有两个女儿。

Martina McBride同男歌手Bob Seger共同为电影《漂浮希望》Hope Floats配唱的插曲《机遇》( Chances Are),是McBride的第一首对唱歌曲。说到电影歌曲,这似乎也是Martina的强项。这些年来,她先后在好莱坞的数部影片中,诸如《漂浮希望》《逃跑新娘》都有精彩作品参与。同时,她的每张唱片也均能取得良好的反馈。在加入RCA之后,93年歌手就推出了首张专集《我的方式》The Way That I Am,当时销量超出百万。之后,95年的唱片集《疯狂天使》Wild Angels,97年的《进程》Evolution以及2000年的Emotion《情感》专集也都分别写下了白金和多白金的销售记录。而随后的第五张精选专集则是 *** 了女歌手出道以来的精华,自然能受到乐迷的倍佳宠爱。

提名年度最佳女歌手的第4位艺人是Lee Ann Womack。她去年的专集《我希望你跳舞》(I Hope You Dance)传递出人世间的真挚情感,同时被评为去年乡村音乐协会的最佳年度单曲和最佳年度歌曲,被誉为“当代传统乡村歌曲精髓”的作品。

歌曲《我已了解你》(You’ve Got The Talk To Me)源自于女歌手的首张同名专集《Lee Ann Womack》。Womack从小就从做电台播放员的父亲那里继承了传统乡村音乐的精髓。虽然当时,Nashville对十多岁的女孩而言,实在是一个遥远的梦。但最终,音乐的魅力还是控制了女孩的一切,使她踏上这片乡村乐土。随着首张专辑推出,Lee Ann的名声飞快传播开来,她得到的不仅是其对音乐精确诠释的赞誉,更多的是来自于人们对其创造音乐超凡敏锐力的钦佩。

被提名年度最佳女歌手最后一位女艺人是Trisha Yearwood.同前面提到的几位女歌手相同,Trisha这也是一位出道十多年的艺人。89年,她由于在乡村歌手Garth Brooks的专集中单杠和声而引起乡村天王和制作人的关注,随后的几年中,她的系列作品均在排行榜留有尚佳表现;特别是当年,由她演唱的歌曲“我如何生活”被电影《空中监狱》选为插曲,在娱乐圈内赢得赞声不断。

急求 Sara Evans歌手 cabana boy 这一首歌的歌词,在线等,高分,谢谢!

Copa Cabana Her name was Lola, she was a show girlWith yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to thereShe would merengue and do the cha-chaBut while she tried to be a starTony always tended barAcross the crowded floor, he worked from 8 til 4They were young and they had each otheWho could ask for more?At the Copa (CO!), Copacabana (Copacabana)The hottest spot north of Havana (here)At the Copa (CO!), CopacabanaMusic and passion were always in fashionAt the Copa....they fell in love.His name was Rico. He wore a diamond.He was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancing thereAnd when she finished, he called her over,But Rico went a bit to far,Tony sailed across the barAnd then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in twoThere was blood and a single gun shotBut just who shot who?At the Copa (CO!), Copacabana (Copacabana)The hottest spot north of Havana (here)At the Copa (CO!), CopacabanaMusic and passion were always in fashionAt the Copa....she lost her love.Copa... Copacabana... music and passion... always the fashion...Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl,But that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a show.Now it's a disco, but not for Lola,Still in the dress she used to weFaded feathers in her hair.She sits there so refined, and drinks herself half-blind.She lost her youth and she lost her Tony,Now she's lost her mind!At the Copa (CO!), Copacabana (Copacabana)The hottest spot north of Havana (here)At the Copa (CO!), CopacabanaMusic and passion were always in fashionAt the Copa....don't fall in love.

Suds In The Bucket 歌词

歌曲名:Suds In The Bucket

歌手:Sara Evans

专辑:Original Album Classics

She was in the backyard say it was a little past nine

When her prince pulled up, white pickup truck

Her folks should've seen it comin' it was only just a matter of time

Plenty old enough and you can stop love

She stuck a note on the screen door, "Sorry but I got to go."

That was all she wrote, her mommma's heart was broke

That was all she wrote, and so the story goes

Sara Evans

Now her daddy's in the kitchen staring out the window, scratchin' and rackin' his brain

How could eighteen years just up and walk away

Our little ponytail girl grown up to be a woman now she's gone in the blink of an eye

She left the suds in the bucket and the clothes hanging out on the line

Don't you wonder what the preacher's gonna preach about Sunday morning

Nothing quite like this has happened here before

Well he must've been a looker, a smoot-talkin son-of-a-gun

For such a grounded girl to just up and run

'Course you can't fence time, and you can't stop love

Now all the biddies in the beauty shop

Sippin on pink lemonade

How could eighteen years just up and walk away

Our little ponytail girl grown up to be a woman now she's gone in the blink of an eye

she left the suds in the bucket and the clothes hanging out on the line

She's got her pretty little bare feet hanging out the window and they're headed up to Vegas tonight

How could eighteen years just up and walk away

Our little ponytail girl grown up to be a woman now she's gone in the blink of an eye

She left the suds in the bucket and the clothes hanging out on the line

She left the suds in the bucket and the clothes hanging out on the line

She was in the backyard say it was a little past nine

When her prince pulled up, white pick up truck

Plenty old enough and you can't stop love

No you can't fence time and you can't stop love.

Sara Evans的《These Days》 歌词

歌曲名:These Days

歌手:Sara Evans

专辑:Original Album Classics

These Days

——chantal kreviazuk

What's this life anyway?

What's it to you and me?

What's it to anyone?

Who are we supposed to be?

Make me a storybook

Write me away from here

I need a different now

Where we can wear each other for awhile

I'll len you my tears if I could borrow a smile

I'll get through tomorrow somehow today

Happy After...

Once upon these days

There's four roads to anywhere

Four ways to everything

We were unbreakable

We spoke our destiny

Let's take a moment out

Go were we never go

Let's make a new world now

Where we can wear each other for awhile

I'll lend you my tears if I could borrow your smile

We'll get through tomorrow somehow today

Happy After...

Once upon these days

Then one day we'll find

when we're looking back at this time

Wondering how we've come so far from this

When we close our eyes

What's this life anyway

What's it to you and me

What are we doing here

Who are we supposed to be

I'll take a better world

I'll take anything

I'll take our little world now

Where we can wear each other for awhile

I'll lend you my tears if I could borrow your smile

We'll get through tomorrow somehow today

Happy After...

Once upon these days

阿八萘萘 制作

标签: saraevans